DIY Kids Supplies & Activities

DIY Paint & Puffy Paint
My little monsters love to paint, but when they do they get it everywhere. Let's not mention the toxins that they use in kids products, because yes there are toxins in kids products. You can do your own research easily via the internet and discover for yourself. 
I wanted a paint that the kids could make a mess with and I could clean it up easily without staining what it comes into contact with. This works for us.
This paint also doubles as a puffy paint recipe. 

1 cup of flour
1 cup of water (add more water for regular paint) 1 1/2 - 2 cups
1 cup of salt
food coloring as desired. I did not need very much

There are many ways to make this, but I heated the water in a saucepan on the stove. Med/high heat just long enough to get the water good and hot (not boiling) I added the flour stirred really good to get clumps out, added salt and stirred really good. I added the food coloring right before I was ready to take it off the stove. Stir it really well. Pour into glass jars and you are done. It is really easy. There are alot of people who do not cook this recipe, but I do and it works great for us. 

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