Monday, January 13, 2014

Crochet Tutorial- DIY Tshirt Rug

DIY T-Shirt Rug Crochet
Ok, first let me tell you this is a very simple and easy project. I started by just crocheting the shirt with one of my large crochet hooks, that does not work out very well. At least it did not for me, so I decided to try this a different way and luckily it worked so I am sharing my failure with you and my success. I know this is the ugliest rug you have ever seen!! Me to, but I want to reuse and recycle things that I wouldn't normally, so these are old shirts and scrap yarn. If you look into the center of this first picture (below) you will see that I started out with just the shirt (my failure). The rest was a blazing success, here is why..........

When I started this rug, it is just simple half double crochet to the length I wanted and worked around the first row to make the elongated circular pattern that you see.................. The half double crochet stitch is worked around in circular motion throughout this project. This is simple enough though that you can do whatever style rug you prefer. Ok now I am going to show you how I worked the stitch. First when you make your loop in the beginning, make it with both the shirt and the yarn........ both pieces need to be together throughout the process. Ok so I already have some worked up for you to see, the tshirt is in the stitch, but it is not actually part of the crochet stitch itself. Wrap your yarn around your hook (should already have loop on it) Next stick your hook through the stitch (like normal) make sure your tshirt is centered like I have the one below, before you pull the yarn through..........

Once your shirt is centered pull your yarn under and through the stitch...........

Just like this........

 Ok now you have 3 loops on your hook......... Right............... Now pull your yarn through all 3 loops.....
Ta Da!!!!!!! You not only know how to do a half double crochet, but you are now well on your way to a new rug!!!! You just continue the process around and around until you get it how big you want it. If you are having problems with curling at the ends, you can put 2 half double crochet stitches in each stitch there. I didn't have any trouble with that, I just made sure to adjust my tension (grip on the yarn) to where it was not so tight. It is working fine for me and I am in my 20 th round.
So that is all there is to this project. This is really easy! I will do this more than once........... If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. You can comment here or go to my fb page Momma's Time Out. I am always glad to help. :)

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