Thursday, January 30, 2014

DIY Disinfectant Wipes

My DIY Disinfectant Wipes Recipe

Everyone does things differently and I am no exception. I choose the natural route first............ I really liked how these wipes turned out and they seem to be effective.

Container of your choice to mix your solution in. I used an old coconut oil container because that was what was available to me at the moment.
50%  Purified H2O
50% White Vinegar
10 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
10 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Bounty Paper Towels or you could also go with old cotton tshirts cut up
I am a tad bit ocd so I used an old flushable wipes container. I folded each one of my paper towels and filled my container. I poured just enough of my liquid to fill up half of the container. Let it sit 10 min and then turned it upside down for 10 min and I was good to go!

To each their own, but I really liked this recipe and it works for me so I thought I would share. :)
Happy Disinfecting lol

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Crochet 100% Cotton Reusable Facial Cleansing Pads!!!!

Hi Everyone!!!
I am so excited about my latest crochet project! The inspiration for this came from me cleaning my face lol I always grab a washcloth and don't get me wrong it gets the job done, but I always find that it is to big for the job at hand. I decided to make my own mini washcloth just for washing my face. These pads are 3 1/2" and they are perfect for just washing my face. The best part, they are completely reusable :) Meaning I can wash them and reuse them, that makes me a happy camper. Since I decided to go to all natural products, this is an awesome alternative to any of those nasty toxin filled facial wipes and pads that are bought from the store. I make my own facial cleanser to go right along with these little pads.
Stay tuned ! There will be a blog with DIY Facial Cleaner coming soon!!!
Don't forget you can find me on Pinterest and on Facebook at Momma's Time Out

Update on my venture into Knitting

So if you remember right about a week ago I told you all that I taught myself a new skill. Knitting, well I am happy to say that even though it took me forever and I mean forever I did finally finish a knitting project. This is my first project and most definitely will not be my last. I really enjoyed  it.
Once I get really good at it, I will post some tutorials that I think will be helpful for those who are crocheters that want to learn to knit. It is not as hard as everyone says it is.
Share Away!!!! Don't forget you can find me on Facebook at Momma's Time Out or follow me on Pinterest!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

DIY Mouse Repellant Recipe

DIY Mouse Repellant Recipe

At one time or another we all have had an issue with mice. If you live where I do then you encounter this issue every year. I have my own way of repelling them, this may work for some folks and may not for others. This is safe for humans and animals and will only be effective if you use 100% pure peppermint oil.

Water bottle (dollar store)
15 drops of 100% pure organic peppermint essential oil

I fill my spray bottle up with water, put in the 15 drops of peppermint oil and shake before I spray the areas I where I frequently see mice. You can also use the peppermint oil on cottonballs and place them in the areas where mice are seen. Either way you will still have to spray or change out your cotton balls a few times a week. This does work though and it is not harmful to kids or pets.
Don't forget to like my facebook page Momma's Time Out and follow me on Pinterest !

DIY Headache Relief Cream

DIY Headache Relief Cream

I have done a ton of research on headache and migraine relief and I went with the supplies that I have available to me right now. 

4 tablespoons of Coconut Oil
10 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil

Stir very well and store. 

Unfortunately I have had a horrible migraine all day and finally came to the conclusion that I had to try something because I can't take the pain any longer. I whipped this up and applied to my neck and my temples. It has only been on for approximately 10 minutes and I can already feel the headache easing a bit. For that I am thankful and that is enough for me to share this with you. Just easing the pain is success in my book. 
Don't forget to like Momma's Time Out on Facebook and Follow me on Pinterest! :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

My First Time Crocheting With Thread

Crocheting with Thread was a Success!!!!!
I thought I would share with you another skill that I have added to my arsenal of skills. ;) This one takes extreme patience and advanced crochet skill. (In My Opinion) It is much more difficult to crochet with thread than it is with yarn. I would say though that if you have the patience and you are fairly good at crochet, you should give this a try. It is extremely rewarding once you have finished a project. Below are pictures that I took of my very first thread project. The first two are with the flash (so you can see the detail) and the last one is without the flash, so you can see the actual color.

Don't forget to check out my Pinterest and my facebook page Momma's Time Out :) 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

DIY Liquid Fabric Softener

DIY Liquid Fabric Softener

Ok so a few years ago I started making my own laundry soap, but I could not find a liquid fabric softener recipe that was HE friendly. I found one and it works great for us.

2 cups of hair conditioner
3 cups of white vinegar
6 cups of hot water

Stir together until smooth and put into container. I used an old vinegar bottle. Look below for a little something extra :)

Dryer Sheets!!! 
Yes it is possible and these worked great for us as well. I used an old cool whip container. I put a brand new set of coffee filters in the cool whip container and poured some of the fabric softener I made directly into the container. I shook the container really well and Wa La!!!!!!! You have dryer sheets and they are reusable. 

At my house we do our best to save money without sacrificing quality. This is not completely toxin free but pretty darn close. Once I get some organic hair conditioner it will be completely toxin free. I hope you enjoyed my post!!! Don't forget to like my facebook page Momma's Time Out and follow me on Pinterest!!! :)